
楼主 |
发表于 2007-10-14 20:28:16
本帖最后由 唐龙 于 2016-1-18 16:16 编辑
1996年第26届亚特兰大奥运会会歌《Reach》 词曲:黛安-沃伦(Diane Warren),Gloria Estefan 演唱:格罗利娅-伊斯特梵(Gloria Estefan) 《登峰造极》是亚特兰大奥运会的主题歌。这首歌旋律激昂,是一种简单的民谣风格,因为创作者认为,简单的就是宏大的。
这首歌的演唱者是美国的古巴裔拉丁歌手伊斯特芬。他于1957年出生在古巴的哈瓦那,后来随父母移民到了美国。伊斯特芬是个有才华的歌手,并且天生有一副好嗓子,他不但是美国拉丁流行乐天后,同时还是迈哈密大学的心理学学士。在当年被称为拉丁流行天后。在美国有这样的说法:任何一封信,只要在信封上写上 Gloria Estefan,USA,就能被准确地寄到她本人手中。
《Reach》歌词: Some dreams live on in time forever/Those dreams, you want with all your heart/And I'll do whatever it takes/Follow through with the promise I made/Put it all on the line/What I hoped for at last would be mine/If I could reach, higher/Just for one moment touch the sky/From that one moment in my life/I'm gonna be stronger/Know that I've tried my very best/I'd put my spirit to the test/If I could reach/Some days are meant to be remembered/Those days we rise above the stars/So I'll go the distance this time/Seeing more the higher I climb/That the more I believe/All the more that this dream will be mine/If I could reach, higher/Just for one moment touch the sky/From that one moment in my life/I'm gonna be strongerKnow that I've tried my very best/I'd put my spirit to the test/If I could reach/If I could reach, higher/Just for one moment touch the sky/I'm goona be stronger/From that one moment in my life/I'm gonna be so much stronger yes I am/Know that I've tried my very best/I'd put my spirit to the test/If I could reach higher/If I could,/If I could/If I could reach/Reach, I'd reach, I'd reach/I'd reach' I'd reach so much higher/Be stronger.
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