作曲: 比约克 作词:比琼-'3+
《海洋》是2004年雅典奥运会的主题歌。这是一首无法模仿也难以传唱的歌曲,歌曲所表现出来的有点另类的气质其实是比约克的一贯音乐风格。它完全区别于体育歌曲的激越高昂,听来更像是一种石破天惊的天籁。它更契合雅典奥运会的寻根意味,也更接近奥林匹斯山上的众神。 tiL$l
比约克她是冰岛的音乐狂想者,这位奇异女子永远都在探索。比约克的作品充满了想像力:东方特质的摇滚、电子味的朋克、另类的民谣。她已经远远走在了音乐的前列。她只出演过一部电影《黑暗中的舞者》,但即使这样,她仍顺手夺走了当年的戛纳影后桂冠。不论是先锋音乐还是民族音乐,希腊从不缺乏有实力领衔奥运开幕式的巨星。但是比约克的奇特嗓音和国际地位,让希腊人慷慨让贤。 qs
One breath away from mother Oceanía/Your nimble feet make prints in my sands/You have done good for yourselves/Since you left my wet embrace and crawled ashore/Every boy, is a snake is a lily/Every pearl is a lynx, is a girl/Sweet like harmony made into flesh/You dance by my side/Children sublime/You show me continents/I see islands/You count the centuries/I blink my eyes/Hawks and sparrows race in my waters/Stingrays are floating across the sky/Little ones, my sons and my daughters/Your sweat is salty/I am why/I am why/I am why/Your sweat is salty/I am why/I am why/I am why.